University of Illinois System

Paid University Funeral/Bereavement Leave

The University of Illinois System recognizes the need for time off work due to a variety of bereavement situations. The availability of paid University Funeral/Bereavement Leave is reflected on this page and the availability of unpaid Family Bereavement Leave is reflected on the corresponding Unpaid Family Bereavement Leave page.

Paid University Funeral/Bereavement leave grants employees paid time to attend the funeral, and for travel and bereavement time, due to the death of an employee's immediate family or certain other relatives.

Select one of the following links or scroll down for specific information:

Length of Leave
Other Provisions
Benefits Continuation


Paid University Funeral/Bereavement leave applies to the following employees:

  • Faculty
  • Academic Professional employees
  • Civil service employees in an apprentice, intern, contract, status appointment or in a provisional appointment intended to be permanent
  • Postdoctoral Research Associates
  • Other employee groups as determined or approved by a collective bargaining agreement or outside accreditation agency.


Upon request, eligible employees are granted paid University Funeral/Bereavement Leave when informing their supervisor of the need. Substantiation of the reason for paid University Funeral/Bereavement leave may be required.

Length of Leave

Paid University Funeral/Bereavement Leave may be taken as a block of time or intermittently when the family member relationship qualifies for more than one day of leave. Paid University Funeral/Bereavement Leave should be taken in full day increments.

Eligible employees are granted five (5) days of paid University Funeral/Bereavement leave for immediate family members, which includes:

  • Father
  • Mother
  • Sister
  • Brother
  • Spouse
  • Domestic Partner
  • Civil Union Partner
  • Child, including child of a same-sex domestic partner or civil union partner (if unborn, gestational age must be 20 or more weeks)
  • Grandparent
  • Grandchild, including grandchild of a same-sex domestic partner or civil union partner
  • Individual in a biological, adopted, foster, legal ward, step or in loco parentis relationship
  • In-law (grandmother-, grandfather-, mother-, father-, brother-, sister-, son-, and daughter-in-law), including a relative of a same-sex domestic partner or civil union partner (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, brother, sister, son, and daughter)
  • Member of the employee's household

Eligible employees are granted one day of paid Funeral/Bereavement Leave for a relative other than the above who is not a member of the employee's household - aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or cousin of the employee. (Such relatives are regarded as members of the immediate family only if residing in the employee's household.)

Other Provisions

Paid University Funeral/Bereavement Leave is generally expected to be taken within 60 days after the employee receives notice of the death.

Relationships existing due to marriage will terminate upon the death or divorce of the relative through whom the marriage relationship exists. Current marital status will be defined in accordance with Illinois State law.

A designated supervisor may grant additional leave to an employee who cannot, because of special circumstances, return to work at the completion of the allowable paid University Funeral/Bereavement leave days. Such leave will be taken without pay, or accrued vacation time may be used, or the employee may apply for unpaid Family Bereavement Leave.

Benefits Continuation

While on paid University Funeral/Bereavement Leave, employees continue to receive the same State and University benefits as when actively working. All employer-paid contributions continue.


Paid University Funeral/Bereavement Leave may be used only on days an employee is scheduled to work.

Overtime eligible Civil Service employees receive 1/5 of the full-time weekly work schedule of the employee classification times the employee's percent time of appointment. These hours multiplied by the regular straight-time hourly rate (or benefit hourly rate) equals the amount of paid University Funeral/Bereavement Leave to be paid.

Overtime exempt Civil Service, Academic Professionals and Faculty receive their regular salary while on paid University Funeral/Bereavement Leave.


General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure
Unpaid Family Bereavement Leave
Funeral Leave for Same-Sex Domestic Partners
FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance

Policy and Rules for Civil Service Staff

Policy and Rules for Civil Service Staff is currently under review.