University of Illinois System

Employee Search

'Loading Data' Window Appears While Entering Data

In Internet Explorer 8 the Loading Data window appears whenever data is entered in a field (for example, while typing a UIN in the Quick Search field on the Home Page , or while entering data in fields on the Employee Search screen).  The HR Front End does not support Internet Explorer 8 at this time.  To resolve this issue, either open HR Front End in Mozilla Firefox or ask your desktop support personnel to revert your Internet Explorer back to version 7.

Note:  It is normal for the Loading Data window to appear once the Search button has been clicked, while opening the Employee Record View , and while populating data lists (such as while entering CFOAPAL segments in the Labor Distribution fields).

To verify the Internet Explorer version running on your machine:

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click on the Help menu and choose About Internet Explorer .

A pop-up window appears that contains the version information.  The first number of the version number tells you which version of Internet Explorer is on your machine.

Performing an Employee Search Using Wildcards

The Employee Search function within the HR Front End allows one type of wildcard search.  You can type %   to indicate there are more letters in the search criteria.  For example, if you want to search for someone with the name that sounds like Smith but you are not sure of the spelling, you can type Sm% in the Last Name field and the search returns results such as Smith and Smythe.  However, it will also return results such as Smoot and Small.  To get a smaller set of results, place the wildcard operator (%) closer to the end of the name that is the subject of your search term.