University of Illinois System



This is the unique UIN assigned to every individual affiliated with the University and recorded in Banner. This is the field into which to enter the UIN of the employee whose record is to be displayed.


This is the position number and suffix representing the job against which the Leave is to be charged.

TS Organization

This will auto-fill based on the Position/Suffix information above, and cannot be edited. It represents the Organization against which the Leave is to be charged.

TS Chart of Accounts

This will auto-fill based on the Position/Suffix information above, and cannot be edited. It represents the Chart of Accounts (COA) against which the Leave is to be charged.

Leave Information

This Action Date

This is the date the change is being made, and it defaults to the current date.

Leave Type

This indicates the type of leave taken; it is table-driven.

Leave Requested From Date

This is the requested start date for the leave; it defaults to the current date.

To Date

This is the designated end date of the requested leave.

Approved Leave Begin Date

This represents the date the leave begins without pay or with partial pay.

Approved Leave End Date

This is the date the leave is approved to end.

Expected Return Date

This is the date the employee is expected to return to work.

Last Day of Work

This is the last date the employee was at work, i.e. the last day of physical presence.

Last Day in Pay Status

This indicates the last date the employee was being paid; this is the last day for which the employee used vacation or sick leave, if leave is partial paid.

Actual Return Date

This is the date the employee actually returned to work; this value is not entered until the employee actually returns.


Free form comments about this leave record may be entered after paging down, if this checkbox is checked.

Percent of Leave

Percentage of time employee will be on leave. Cannot be greater than 100 or less than 1.

Fields on PZAELOA which are not Used

Leave Information

Fulfillment Due Date

Not used.

Fulfillment Date

Not used.

Regular FTE

Not used.