University of Illinois System

Policy Resources Applicable to All Employees

Board of Trustees - the Board of Trustees is the governing body of the University of Illinois.

Business and Financial Policies and Procedures Manual - contains business and financial policies that pertain to the University and its three campuses.

Conflicts of Commitment and Interest - the official University policy regarding Conflicts of Commitments and Interest.

Employment Eligibility Verification Policy

E-Verify - an Internet-based system operated by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that allows employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of employees, regardless of citizenship.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)- federal law that establishes minimum wage and overtime standards.

General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure - the articles of the General Rules cover University Organization, Business Organization, Intellectual Property, Employment Policies, University Property, and General Provisions.

Non-Discrimination Statement - the official University of Illinois statement concerning non-discrimination.

Protection of Minors Policy - the official University of Illinois policy concerning protection of minor children when they are on University premises, participate in University programs, or are in the care of University staff.

Use of Search Firm Policy - the official University of Illinois policy on the use of search firms.

Social Security Number Policy - the official University of Illinois policy on Social Security Numbers.

Statement on Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct - the official University of Illinois statement concerning sex discrimination, sexual harassment.and sexual misconduct.

Statement of Policy to Comply with 115 ILCS 5/14

University of Illinois Policy: Prohibition of Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct, and Related Activities and Educational Programs  

University Ethics - access to Ethics information and employee conduct policies, plus Ethics Training for undergraduate student workers, temporary extra help, and me dical residents.

University Reporting Policy for the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (SOEEA)- information on the State law and associated University policy requiring State employees to submit time spent each day on official State business to the nearest quarter hour, including access to the Online Reporting Tool.

University Statutes - the articles of the Statutes cover University Administration; Legislative Organization; Campuses, Colleges, and Similar Campus Units; Departments; Graduate Colleges; the Campus Library; Specialized Units; Changes in Academic Organization, Academic and Administrative Staffs; Academic Freedom and Tenure; Student Affairs and Discipline; Research and Publication; and General Provisions.

Web Privacy Notice - this notice serves to inform users and University Web practitioners about specific privacy guidelines employed at the University of Illinois, as well as notify users about the terms and conditions governing use of the University Web.